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Reconnect and reintegrate your feminine energy, your feminine aspects, heal your feminine wounds and memories in order to allow yourself to be the Woman you are.


Opening to the woman within you can be challenging. Education, childhood memories, inheritance ( programs ) of the relationship between man and woman, traumas, perception of your own body, interaction with the masculine, image (idea) about what the feminine is or should be, image of yourself, perception peope have of you, idea of the woman you would have loved to be vs the woman you are, comparison with other women, expression of your feminity through your body, creativity, motherhood, couple, work, sexuality...


What is your place as a Woman while being in a relationship, being a mother, being an entrepreneur, who are you as a Woman first of all ?


As a Woman, how are you considering the masculine energy ? What is your experience with the masculine ? If you observe your current relationships with your boyfriend, husband, son, brother, father, how do you feel ? Those relationships are a miror of your actual inner relationship between your feminine self and your masculine self. Are you at peace ? ease ? joy ? truth ?


This elixir allows you to make peace with your feminine incarnation, meaning accepting all the aspects of who you are perfectly as you are, body, personality, emotions, soul, spirit, heart and consciousness. Helps reintegrating and healing all the women you have been and all the women you are. Deep alignment and pacification so you can open to a holy aspect of you are : the sacred feminine.



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